Thursday, February 11, 2010

BEING ANIMAL curated by Dr.Avani Rao Gandra

Being Animal

Real, Imaginary and Holy

14 artists’ tryst with ' being animal'

Chief Guest
Amala Akkineni
(Animal Rights Activist)

preview on 4th Feb 10'
on view till 12th Feb10'

view exhibhition online on

Gallery proceeds for Blue Cross Society

An exhibition of paintings, drawings, collages, sculptures

by Artists

Akshay Anand
Srikant Kurva
Laxma Goud
Srinivasa Chari
Giridhar Goud
Tailor Srinivas
Bharat Yadhav
Jaya Prakash
S.K .Sarkar
Girish Kulkarni
Rudra Mandal
Rayees Ahmed
Rupal Dave

curated by

Dr .Avani Rao Gandra


Being Animal

“Being Animal” in art , science or fiction meant pushing the peripheries of human limitation. Man aspired to fly like a bird, man aspired to go deep into the oceans like a fish, so he built the aircraft and submarine . Being animal would mean being pure in your love and giving, being pure in your motherly instincts and being responsibe to your environs.

Also, it means being ruthless in your vengeance and beastly with your punishments. No wonder even gods aspired to be animals!

Traditional Indian art as temple sculptures, mythological illustrations show a special affinity to this bonding of animals with man. In contemporary art, the artist adopted the animal form and animal nature, to put forth his fantasies, his imagination, his realities and to recreate hope.

In this show we have an interesting mix of such insights and vision of 14 artists, befriending or being animals themselves. If Srikant Kurva aspired to show the beauty of animal in all its splendor and finery, Giridhar Goud’s cow and calf capture

the essence of motherhood in their smooth velvety texture and lucid eyes , Laxma shares an intimate feeling with his proud goat . Jagadish plays satire in his‘ lion in sheeps clothes’ depicting today’s politician . Passion is at play Jayaprakash’s tiger and tigress , Sarkar’s voyeuristic journey culminates in hybridist forms of man-woman and animal . Rayees stokes in a somber and sensitive mood between his man –bird- animal juxtapositions . Akshay finds the ultimate animal in the sacred forms of Hanuman and Ganesh . Rupal Dave sensitizes her feminist leanings immersing her self with animal elements . Bharath yadav spins his tryst with the buffalo as a providers tale, Tailor Srinivas’s gentle rendering of man – woman-sheep show the affinity rural environs share with animal . Rudra mandal has a tale of man- horse sharing moods of love and separation. Srinivasa Chari has man – goat, sharing compassion and sympathy in their emotive journeys. Girish Kulkari pokes pun at the polemics of today systems, as the mighty lion on the circus stand .

Agony and ecstasy are shared with animals, while it is getting more impossible to share the same between humans in themselves .

Dr.Avani Rao Gandra